Našeg dragog prijatelja više nema među nama, ali njegova porodica je tu i naša pomoć bi im značila više nego ikada.
Umesto cveća, porodici bi u ovom trenutku mnogo više značila finansijska pomoć u vidu uplate na račun da im pomogne sa troškovima koji ih sada čekaju.
Our dear friend is not with us anymore, but his family is here and they need our help.
Instead of flowers, his family could really use financial contributions to help them deal with the hard times ahead.
Kako uplatiti na račun:
Ako već imate račun u Bank of America ili Wells Fargo Bank, onda je najjednostavnije i najjeftinije da se prijavite na web sajt banke i odatle izaberete Transfers, To someone else, In the US, Using their email address, i koristite sledeće podatke:
Ako imate račun negde drugde, onda iz svoje banke potražite Wire Money i zavisno od toga šta traže ukucajte sledeće podatke:
Wire Routing Transit Number: 121000248
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank
Bank City, State: San Francisco, CA
Account Number: 3561360250
Recipient Name: Ivanka Lakic
Recipient address: 10919 NE 66th Pl, Kirkland, 98033, WA
Koliko dati:
Ništa što je od srca nije ni previše ni premalo.
Dok nekima koji su bliski prijatelji i imaju mogućnosti, $1000 ili više ne predstavlja problem, drugima je možda $100 prava mera, a oni koji ih površno znaju, ili imaju svojih finansijskih poteškoća mogu da izdvoje $10 koje bi dali za cveće. Svaki doprinos vredi, i svima koji pomognu smo duboko zahvalni.
How to send the money:
If you already have an account in the Bank of America or Wells Fargo Bank, the simplest and least expensive is to log on to the bank's web site, look for Transfers, To someone else, In the US, Using their email address, and use the following info:
If you have account in another bank, Wire Money using following info:
Wire Routing Transit Number: 121000248
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank
Bank City, State: San Francisco, CA
Account Number: 3561360250
Recipient Name: Ivanka Lakic
Recipient address: 10919 NE 66th Pl, Kirkland, 98033, WA
How much to contribute:
Nothing that is given from the heart can be too much or too little. Close friends with means to do it could give $1,000 or more, while others may find $100 better match to their budget - but even a $10 instead of flowers can make a difference. Each contribution is appreciated, and the family will be grateful for all who help.